Who and were...
The Ešnunna Project
Duplicazione e Rinascita
The Catalogue
Rapid Prototyping
On-Line Database
Books for Baghdad
On-Line Publications
Labassi Bibliography
Duplicazione e Rinascita
The Catalogue
The creation of a computerized catalogue intended to contain different types of data has demanded a specific selection of relative information which could be offered together to serve a variety of purposes and simultaneouly make the catalogue flexible and easy to use.

In this perspective the catalogue aims at reconstructing both the diachronic context (temporal characteristics: function, date, relevant studies) and the synchronic context (spatial characteristics) of the individual document.

The aim is to reconstruct the history of the individual archaeological object, its place in a “stratigraphic sequence” as it were, and the contemporary spaces which contained/contain the object, its “loci”- as it were.

Thus for every single document will be recorded:

  • relevant archaeological information (site of origin, excavation number, etc.)

  • relevant bibliographical data (any specific or general studies pertinent to the object)

  • relevant museum data (museum and place of storage, photos)

Recording of the fundamental categories object and place of discovery proceed independently, but are correlated and interactive allowing bidirectional access to the documentation from the perspectives of both object and site. With any given document we can thus instantaneously retrieve its past and present history, recover it in its original location or its present situation. This provides a comprehensive overview of the document. The same can be done in reverse: departing from a particular site it is possible to retrieve an individual document and its cultural context.

Conscious of the usability of the final product we have employed an application of the Microsoft family (Access), easy to use even for people with limited computer experience. It can also be used in a client-server system, where a central databank controls and sorts the information for direct use on the net. Alternatively it may be stored on a CD-ROM or DVD, in cases where access to the net is diffcult or impossible.

This model should provide scholars with easy access to the catalogue for specific scientific research, and the project also promises possibilities for new approaches with the innovative methods applied by the ENEA (virtual reproduction, Rapid Tooling).
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