albergo centro storico di siena alberghi nel centro storico di siena  
Booking On Line
By this page it is possible to calculate the total amount of your stay, to ask for availability, to reserve directly, to have use of of the special reductions in price and the special offers for our web customers.
Direct Booking
Verify the period of your stay. If it match in one of the following, click on it: you can directly reserve without making the availability request. You will enjoy therefore one special reduction in price.
Estimate, Availability Request and Booking
This is an interactive form: use it in order to calculate the estimate of your stay and in order to make the availability request for a period not listed in left or right columns.
Last Minute
look carefully the following Special Offers. Click on it: you will be able to reserve directly and enjoy the reductions in price.

Aia - Standard double-room
 Availability:       on line   |   via fax   |   for telephone *
* Tel: +39.0577.51987 | Fax: +39.0577.588926

In order to demand availability we invite to use the below module.
I would like to receive availability information upon.
:: Terms and Conditions ::
:: Ways of payment ::
* obligatory fields
Offers and Last Minute

Tel: +39 0577 51987 | Fax: +39 0577 588926 | E-mail: